theatrical awareness days - ways to celebrate drama and performing arts

Days To Celebrate Drama And The Performing Arts

Welcome, all you theatrical people – time to get those party poppers and coloured bunting out and celebrate like a true thespian! There are many days throughout the year where we can shine a light on our industry, whether you are an actor, teacher, writer, dancer, musician or technician. I’ve put together a list of some of my favourite days to celebrate drama and the performing arts throughout the year. How you celebrate is up to you, but we will publish some ideas for each day as they come around.

Why not print this out and pin it up to remind you of days you celebrate your inner (and outer) luvvy!?

Edgar Allan Poe’s Birthday

When: January 19

Started by: Various literary and theatre organisations

Website: Edgar Allan Poe Society

Details: Though more literary, this day celebrates the works of Edgar Allan Poe, which have been adapted into numerous theatrical performances.

Edgar Allan Poe

National Playwriting Day

When: March 4

Started by: Various playwrights’ organisations

Website: No specific website

Details: A day dedicated to the craft of writing for the stage, celebrating playwrights and their impact on theatre.

World Book Day

When: March 6 (UK & Ireland)

Started by: UNESCO and the UK’s National Literacy Trust

Website: World Book Day

Details: A celebration of books, reading, and authors. While primarily focused on literacy and literature, World Book Day often includes theatre adaptations of stories, plays, and performances.

silhouette of boy reading a book

International Children’s Theatre Day

When: March 20

Started by: ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People)

Website: ASSITEJ

Details: Celebrates the power of theatre for young audiences, raising awareness of its role in child development.

girl having stage make-up done

World Puppetry Day

When: March 21

Started by: Union Internationale de la Marionnette (UNIMA)

Website: UNIMA

Details: Celebrates the art of puppetry and its role in performance traditions worldwide.

3 marionettes

World Theatre Day

When: March 27

Started by: International Theatre Institute (ITI)

Website: International Theatre Institute

Details: A global celebration of theatre, encouraging reflection on its role in society.

actor on stage

World Art Day

When: April 15

Started by: International Association of Art (IAA)

Website: World Art Day

Details: Though focused on visual arts, this day often includes performances and events that link performing arts with other creative disciplines.

William Shakespeare’s Birthday

When: April 23

Started by: Various theatre companies and organisations globally

Website: Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust

Details: Celebrates the birth of Shakespeare, the iconic playwright, with performances, events, and reflections on his work and legacy.

william shakespeare

International Dance Day

When: April 29

Started by: International Dance Council (CID)

Website: International Dance Day

Details: Celebrates all forms of dance worldwide, focusing on the global importance of dance in cultural expression.

sign saying 'dance'

International Festival Day

When: May 15

Started by: UNESCO

Website: UNESCO

Details: A celebration of arts festivals worldwide, which often include theatre, dance, and music performances.

International Tap Dance Day

When: May 25

Started by: International Tap Association (ITA)

Website: International Tap Association

Details: Celebrates the tap dance art form, marking the birthday of Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, a tap dance legend.

tap shoe

International Hip Hop Dance Day

When: May 29

Started by: World Hip Hop Dance Championship (and various hip hop dance organisations)

Website: World Hip Hop Dance Championship

Details: A celebration of hip-hop dance and its cultural significance.

hip-hop dancer

National Arts in Education Week

When: September (specific week varies)

Started by: Americans for the Arts (USA)

Website: National Arts in Education Week

Details: A week to promote the value of arts education, including drama, music, and dance.

dance class

World Stage Management Day

When: October 10

Started by: International Association of Stage Managers (IASM)

Website: International Association of Stage Managers

Details: Recognizes the essential role of stage managers and technicians in live performances.

picture of backstage

National Ballet Day (UK)

When: October 22

Started by: The Royal Ballet

Website: Royal Ballet

Details: A celebration of ballet, with performances and events dedicated to this classical dance form.

ballet dance

World Ballet Day

When: October 27

Started by: The Australian Ballet, joined by other ballet companies worldwide

Website: World Ballet Day

Details: A global celebration showcasing live-streamed rehearsals from ballet companies around the world.

girl tying pointe shoe

National Drama Week (UK)

When: November (specific dates vary)

Started by: Drama UK (now merged into One Dance UK and National Drama)

Website: Drama UK

Details: A week dedicated to celebrating drama and theatre education, showcasing the importance of drama in schools and communities.

National Hip Hop Dance Day (UK)

When: November 12

Started by: UK Hip Hop Dance Championship (and other dance organisations)

Website: UK Hip Hop Dance Championship

Details: Celebrates hip-hop dance in the UK, highlighting the diversity and cultural impact of hip-hop.

boy dancing hip-hop

International Playwrights’ Day

When: November 19

Started by: International Playwrights’ Organisation

Website: International Playwrights’ Organisation

Details: A day to honour playwrights worldwide and celebrate their contributions to theatre.

a drama script

International Musical Theatre Day

When: December 20

Started by: No specific organisation, but celebrated by the global musical theatre community

Website: No specific website

Details: A celebration of musical theatre, including performances and choreography.

Theatre advertising

World Stage Design Festival (Every 4 years)

When: Dates vary

Started by: OISTAT (International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects, and Technicians)

Website: World Stage Design

Details: A major event showcasing innovative stage designs from around the world.

Have I missed any?

If you know of any other days that you celebrate in your country, let me know in the comments and I can add them to the list. If you want to let others know what you’ve done to celebrate too, email me at: and we can let the world know through our site!

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